How to Maximize Word of Mouth

Word-of-mouth and referrals are probably the most effective way of marketing. It’s also the most underutilized way of marketing!

But why not use automation to get the job done?

We should be using our database as a word-of-mouth marketing powerhouse.

We should be using automation to send down an email that goes something like, “Who do you know that I can do business with? If you’ve been happy with our services, who else can I help just like you?

Incentivize it a little bit. You can offer a discount, offer promotion, put them into a grand prize if they do it by a certain date. Either way, we should be utilizing automation to generate referrals for us. Instead of one man you manually having to do it or two, just hoping it gets done. Let’s use automation to generate more referrals and grow our business.


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