Here is a really cool trick that you SHOULD be doing when you go to networking events, conferences, or when you go door-to-door trying to meet new people.

You’ve got a stack of new business cards. Mission Accomplished!

But the game is NOT just about collecting these contacts, but it is how you meet and how you would interact with those new contacts.

So, this is what you do, take those business cards and scan them into Infusionsoft mobile app. Then you can tag each of those people like ‘new prospect’ or however you want to tag them. By doing so, it will trigger a series of emails, well… just a couple, because you do not want to overwhelm them immediately. Thru these emails, you stay in contact with them… all automation!

To know more about these productivity hacks using automation, grab the free ebook I have prepared for you which is linked below.


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