How Do You Use Automation To Win At The Game Of Phone Tag

This is what I used to do when I was in Industrial Sales. I’d go down my list of people I needed to call, whenever I missed somebody, I would tag them with a missed call tag. It would trigger an automation to send them an email that said something like, “I just tried to give you a call and a missed you. I’m sorry, and I’ll catch up with you later.”

They would immediately respond to that and say, “Sorry, I was in a meeting” or “I’ll give you a call back in a little bit” and sometimes they would. If they didn’t, then they would get another email the next day as a reminder to call me or I would call them, something of that effect. That’s how I would use automation with Infusionsoft to beat the game of phone tag and you can too by using that same kind of campaign.



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