How to Double your Sales? Nurture your Leads.

Let’s talk about lead nurturing.

Right now, this is one of the most important things that I believe by using an automation tool such as Infusionsoft does. It is one of the key components that I use to double my sales as an Industrial Salesman.

It’s lead nurturing using automation.

Now, I used it mainly for current customers who were at different points in the buying cycle. I maintained contact with them on an ongoing basis using automation. Because of it, the next time they were ready to buy, they remembered me.

You can also do the same thing with prospects. Somebody that’s a prospect may not be ready to buy right now but they will be later down the road. You use automation to maintain contact with them and maintain a good relationship with them by sending them helpful quality good information. So that they will think of you whenever it’s time to buy. That’s what you want to happen.


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